Why knitters shouldn’t hop fences….

Boyfriend lives in a tiny, tiny town.  Besides the fact that it has barely over 7,000 people, I know it is a tiny town because it doesn’t have a supermarket or a Wal-Mart.  Really, I suppose it’s probably the lack of Wal-Mart that makes it’s tinyness to obvious.  I have been cooped up in this tiny town for the duration of Spring break, enjoying the weather and generally being a lazy slob.

Darby ran out of dog food today.  I don’t feed her what boyfriend feeds his dogs, mostly because Darby has teeth so darn tiny that those big ol hunks of kibble can break her little chompers.  So it was off to Wal-Mart.  This is a cause for celebration, as in “Hoo-ray! We’re going out of the house!”.  SO Darby and I were off. 

Everything in between leaving and coming back to the house isn’t important, so I’ll chop that bit off.

I pull up, drag out 4 bags of nonsense I’ve bought (including the precious dog food) reach in my pocket for the house key and …..hold on…. nope, not there.  So I set down the bags (please note, the neighbors are watching me already) and look in my purse…. hold on, it must be in the side pocket, even though I know I had it in my pocket… hold on…. well, crap.  Where the hell is the key? So I go back to the car and with my stupid tramp-stamp tattoo sticking out of my pants when I bend over I dig through the car that was just cleaned out and has nothing in it….hmm….maybe it’s under the floormats…

All right people, I’m starting to get a little flummoxed.  I had to have the key for goodness sakes, it’s how I locked the door to begin with.

Repeat the search again in the same order 2 times more, with the neighbor continuing to observe my (lack of) progress.  “Well,” I shout across the street “I appear to have lost my key.”  He asks the most important questions “Are there any open windows? Did you check the side door?” Ah Ha! The side door is always unlocked! I walk over… and there is a lock on the fence, so I can’t check out the side door. I try (in vain) to see if one of my keys fits into the lock, even though I know it won’t work.

Walk back to the front “Locked?” he asks.  Now his wife is out there, watching the show too.  “I”m going to see if I can hop over on the other side” I say.  I only say this because I know the 7-8 foot fence has at least a foot of tree detrius piled up against it on the other side and I can probably reach the top of the fence.

I walk over and sure enough, there is all this crap up againt the fence incluing, joy of joys, a railroad tie!  I stand on the railroad tie, which brings me to eye level with the fence.  Hmm….this sure looks easy in the movies I think to myself.  First I try hopping to see if I can’t get my belly up to the top of the fence, but Oh, crap! If I hop too high I’m going to hit my head on the eaves, which seem thisclose every time I jump.  Ok, lets try swinging a leg over.  I’m limber, I’m flexible, I”m five feet tall and 30 pounds overweight……. I swing my leg and get it up on to the fence.  Great, now what the heck am I supposed to do? 

So the leg thing didn’t work. I need to be taller.  Since growing 6 inches isn’t in the cards at the moment I needed something, like a step stool. I considered walking over and asking the neighbors, but really really didn’t want to, as I hadn’t been formally introduced to both of them yet.

I look around, boyfriend has logs stacked up in the other corner of the fence and a good foot thich chunk of tree behind me.  I pick it up, Oh dang, I don’t pick it up, I drag it like the hunchback of Notre Dam over and drop it on top of the railroad tie.  The log wedges in the corner of the house and the fence, looking reasonable secure.  Now I am tall enough to look over and have boyfriends dogs yap and growl at me while I struggle to figure out how the heck I’m going to do this.

I jump up, watching out to make sure I’m not whacked in the head by the eaves, hook my stomach over the fence and bring my right leg over and on to the support beam on the other side.  Now I shift my weight so that I am under the eaves, crouched over, all my weight on one foot as I bring the other foot over, wonder is a fence can hold 145 lbs of knitter and tell his dog to stop barking at me.  Finally, I have both feet on the support beam while I seriously question the integrity of his fence and look down.  I’m probably 5 feet off the ground and really, really don’t know how I’m going to get off the fence with all my teeth intact (it’s a fear of mine, knocking out my teeth, don’t know why).  I take 1 foot off the support beam..and then the other, thinking I am sort of support myself and gently lower myself to the ground.  I was wrong.  The second both feet are off the beam its “whoosh” as a leg is dragged down the fance and “thump” as I land with both feet on the ground, body stretched beyond its reach and my hands are scraped as they are forced to let go of the fence.  And just like that…I’m down, with Gizmo (the dog) jumping up and down and up and down and the other dog running in giant circles as fast as she can, out of the sheer excitement of watching me attempt to break every bone in my body by pretending I’m a 15 year old boy capable of hopping fences (like that was anything like a hop).

I trudge over to the back door, becasue I know the sliding glass door is locked, praying that the side door is unlocked, because I can’t climb out of the yard adn Darby is locked in the car.  I open the door, success! I just hope the door to the house is open too..Success again! I walk out in to the front yard to let the neighbor know I haven’t died in an unfortunate fence-hopping accident, grab my stuff and Darby, and go inside to nurse my wounds. The results, 1 scraped palm, 1 scraped knee, and one embarassed girl for losing the key.

I put away some of the groceries, start washing darks (cause my jeans are a total mess) and finish putting away groceries.  There, at the bottom of the bag with the apples is a key.  A key that fits in the front door.


I”m trying to use a new tracking program to see what searches people use to find my blog, so this is the testing bit. Please bear with me.

<script src=”http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js” type=”text/javascript”>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
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Whoohoo!! (accomplishments)

So after entering and quickly leaving the dank, dark den that is H&R block in the mall…in the middle of them doing my taxes…I needed to find a tax person, posthaste!  E (thats “Boyfriend, squee! to you’all) suggested that I use the person that he used, being that they are 1.human, 2.english speakers, 3. do not practice tax making in a dank, dark den.  I followed his advice and now my taxes are done! And I am getting money back! I anticipate getting like $45 back, but hey, its better than paying. ( Addendum: Thanks to GW for the tax rebate.  Big, big thanks.  To balance it out though, big thumbs down on the war…still) Having my taxes done leaves me feeling very accomplished.

I took E to see Moonie and Broon.  This is an important boyfriend test. 

This is more or less what the boyfriend test looks like.  If he laughs, we’re good.

Really now, how can you NOT laugh at them.  Go to the Renaissance Faire and see them.  Moonie by himself is a riot, I’ve never seen Broon’s act by himself, but I don’t doubt he’s hilarious.

Ex hated faire and all things associated with it, including the performers, such as Moonie and Broon.  E seemed to have a good time, laughed when appropriate, and didn’t bitch about everyone else in the theater (although I did…the giant head in front of my chair made it hard for little ol’ me to see…and how do you tell some faire-geek to chop his jew-fro?)

Easter Sunday I went to meet his Grandma (who raised him) and his Aunt and Uncle.  So I guess this weekend there were tests for the both of us.  His Grandma, for beng her age, is a fiesty bird! She was funny.  Actually the whole thing was funny and a good time.  Grandma’s husband (Ed) kept messing with the oven while I was baking a pie (what do you expect, he’s 88 and wants pie!) and then I would have to go back and fix the oven or tell him to wait for pie.  They are a nice family and I felt like I fit in pretty well.

In knit news, its spring break and my knitting has been lax at best.  I’ve ripped and restarted E’s hat 2 more times, which brings it up to 5 for the hat plus the two unsuccessful swatches.  Man better LOVE that hat when it’s finally finished (at this point, I suspect that will be somewhere around our 1 year anniversary)

Why I Should Learn to Crochet…

Because this is so darn cute for Easter…

This adorable pattern and a whole lot more are created by Ana Paula of Ana Paula’s Amigurumi Patterns & Random Cuteness

Can I just say that everything on her blog is incredibly cute. I found her on Ravelry under this week (week 9) newsletter in the amigurimi section.

Here’s another of hers….Squee!!!

Look at those little quackers!!!


1 pound puppy sweater

Hey Y’all!

I know it has been a ridiculous amount of time since I put up a new pup sweater.  This quick and dirty pattern was written for a knitter who left a comment mentioning her 1 lb puppy and her lack of 10.5 dpns.

So for your tiny puppy…
size 8 double pointed needles (or something close, hey, we can’t be too particular…the goal is a warm puppy, not certain needles)
regular or bulky yarn…probably something a little bulky.  (same thing….warm puppy, not some particular yarn)

Cast on 24, knit in a 2×2 rib for 1.5 inch (or 2.5-3″ for a little turtleneck or mock turtleneck).

Increase for chest shaping as follows (please note, your going to have a stockinette panel where the increases are, everythingelse should stay in the 2×2 rib):
Knit 1, increase 1, knit 1, increase 1 finish the round in 2×2 rib (26 sts total)

Next row: Knit 1, increase 1, knit 2, increase 1, knit 1…finish the round in 2×2 rib (28 sts total)

Next row: knit 2, increase 1, knit 4, increase 1, knit 2 finish the round in 2×2 rib (30 sts total)

your tube should be about 2 ” long…. more or less…remember, this is quick and dirty

Leg Holes:
Knit 4, cast off 6, knit 14, cast off 6
Next row: knit 4, cast on 6, knit 14, cast on 6

Body: Knit until it is as long as you feel it should be.  Then do an inch of 2×2 ribbing.

Well, I know this is a quick and sloppy pattern for you to use, but I hope it works out for you.


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Bee’s and Buttons (or..Take my BSJ, Please!)

Two finished Baby Surprise Jackets, now with buttons!

The BSJ made with variegated yarn has already been claimed by my friend Jen. The yellow BSJ with peach and blue remains unclaimed so…who wants it?

This one is Jen’s, keep going down…

Claimed! I love the bee buttons, although when I purchased them I imagined it to be a boys sweater. She sees it as a sweater for a little girl, but I think it works well with the two little bee’s.

This BSJ is still without a home…it’s cotton ease, not wool, so it’s cool enough to wear still. I think my increases and decreases are decidedly better on this one, thanks to that accursed learning curve. So apparently, this fits about a one year old (if you happen to have one in need of a sweater or know of one),

I don’t know if this is for a boy or a girl, but the colors are still very southwestern. In fact, I should knit something up for Linda S, who just had a baby granddaughter, but this isn’t it. E-mail me if you want this.

Darby’s Adventure

I’m still sick, but this is a story that needs to be told, cause it’s over now.  I was at my friend Jen’s house last night with Darby (my chihuahua) and we decided to go out for dinner.  Since Darby chewed through one of her babygates we just left her to roam in the house with Jen’s cat and border collie.  We get home and DARBY”S NOT THERE!  So we look all through the house and finally Jen asks me “could she get out through this?” indicating a low window she keeps open a couple inches so the cat can go in and out.
It was probably a foot and a half or two foot drop on the outside of the window, enough to make Darby think about it, but no further than from the bed to the floor.  That was how we knew she went outside.  For the next hour and a half we were walking around, looking in peoples backyards and calling for Darby.  Finally, probably 11pm or so, I headed home.  Jen’s boyfriend kept looking for like another 2 or 3 hours (good man) and I drove around for probably another half hour making sure she hadn’t been run over on one of the main roads around her house.
Now, I’m not a religious person ordinarily, but seriously, I was liker “Please God, let someone find my dog and bring her back” because the last thing I wanted was for her to be killed by a mean dog or run over or have people take her and sell her off.
This morning I got up an hour early to meet Jen at the school so that we can make flyers and paper the neighborhood.  I’m in the bathroom brushing my teeth and I hear my phone ringing faintly (I can’t hear still, cause I’m so damn sick even my ears aren’t working).  It’s Jen.  She went out this morning on her front porch and called for Darby, who walked right up, followed by a kitty of the same color.
So that’s my story.  5 hours of fitful sleep, anxiety, and freaking out, and Darby just walks right back up.  I cried, I was so happy and relieved.  Now she’s curled up under the covers, she’s had her fill of food and water and is just as content as can be.

The Challenge

Boyfriend (squee!!) has issued me a challenge/asked for a handknit.  I say he has issued me a challenge because he has asked for a knit hat with the Superman Logo on it.  But I certainley have no intention of knitting something like that in regular worsted weight yarn, oh no.  I will knit it in some skinny ass yarn so that I have the best possible look, something polished and professional (even if it has a superman logo on it…sigh…Boyfriend (squee!) has a superman fetish, as noted by the hats, shirts, and boxers.

Here is the challenge.  I have found a charted version but will likely make my own chart.
In other Boyfriend (squee!) news, he surprised me with flowers tonight when he came over. How sweet is that.  I was all sorts of smiley.  Here, look, flowers…