Granite Circle Scarf

Granite Circle Scarf

While at the mall with my friend Robin watching her admire the scarves for sale I said “I can do that.” How many times have you done that, my knitterly friend? Having said that, she then said that her birthday was coming up that very month, the next week even.

With a mission in mind I headed home and raided my stash and stitch pattern book. 3 days later I had a foot of lacy scarf and no more yarn.

Having lost time knitting something that couldn’t possible work I started again, this time with 3 skeins of Bernat Roving and size 10 1/2 needles. 2 days later, I was ripping it out again.

With all this drama on and off my needles again and again I returned to the mall to check out the scarf competition again and I saw the most beautiful, smooshy, delightful, gray (my most favorite non-color) thing. It was at Gap and it was a cowl or a circle scarf or just amazing.

Gray Gap Scarf

I apologize for taking someone else’s picture, so I cropped it to hide her.

I want one just looking at it. I examined it in the store, took measurement guesses, examined the stitch (most likely just a moss stitch) and said “I can do this.”

Granite Circle Scarf


approx 360 yards of Bulky yarn (I used Bernat Roving,almost 3 skeins)

10 1/2 needles straight or a circular at least 18″ long



Row 1: k1, p1 across

Row 2: p1, k1 across

Row 3: p1, k1 across

Row 4: k1, p1 across


Gauge isn’t hugely important, but I got about 3 1/3 stitches to the inch.

This scarf comes out to be 12 inches wide and 4 feet long before it is sewn together.


Cast on 40 stitches (or any even number of stitches around that). Follow  pattern as listed above until scarf is about 4 feet in length. Bind off. Fold scarf in half and sew the ends together (meaning the cast on end and the cast off end. Otherwise you would look like you were trying to put a giant straw on your head). Wear gloriously.

About sewing the edges together, I looked online for the best method of sewing the ends together and finally, just kinda sewed it up.

Praying for rain, sorta.

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