
I recieved my socks from frivolous fluffy yesterday and was ecstatic.  I have never received hand knitting from someone before.  My mom crocheted me an afghan, which I love but I wasn’t knitting yet and didn’t realize the amount of effort that went into it.  Back to the socks…in addition she sent me some awesome yarn and a pattern to get me started in making my own socks!  Wow, I felt totally overjoyed and grateful and happy.



So the pup sweater is nearly done. I’m debating between the belt I knit or making a ribbon belt and then embroidering some flowers onto it, which would be adorable but I’ll have to learn to embroider real quick.

My sister got her birthday present, which means now i can show everyone.  I made her a mandala that (to me) represents the changes in her life and the maze in the center represents her life path. I hope she finds it centering and grounding and that it opens like a flower to her, because thats what I wanted.

Megans Mandala

Megan's Mandala

School is back in full swing and the germs have been swarming around our kids.  I’ve been waking up with the scratchy throat and am more tired every day. I’m hoping that my body will fight it off before the cold kicks in.  Faire is coming up!!! If anyone is planning on coming up I’m only an hour and a half from there and am planning on going with several groups.

Dread Pirate Darby

I took Darby to get her nails trimmed and lo and behold! Puppy pirate costume hats for Halloween.  Naturally they were too large for Darby, but that certainly didn’t prevent me from taking a pic of her.

Darby is a Pirate

Darby is a Pirate

Also, the double pane glass window in my classroom was broken when someone tried to break in last year.  So there is only one pane of glass instead of two and the heat that comes through is intense in the morning.  I am putting up a stained glass window of tape and tissue paper.  It’s coming along quite well this time, as this is the second attempt.  if I like it I may turn it into an assignment for the kids to do in other classrooms.

I’m waiting for my sister to get her b-day present so that I can post pictures of it here.  Also, the dog sweater is nearly finished, i just need to do the under ruffle and some embellishments. I’m knitting something for my sister also, but it is so far from finished she’ll be lucky to get it by Christmas.  I can say knitting with thread and needles as thick as toothpicks is incredibly hard.

I want to knit Darby a pirate costume for Halloween.  That would be supremely awesome!

I feel Like Sari Silk

You know, the silk yarn thats made from the recycled edgings of sari’s?  I feel like my sari silk yarn.  I keep it hidden away, don’t take it out very often, don’t admire it the way I should, don’t necessarily value it’s beauty, and have no plans for what the heck to do with it.  Thats what I feel like.  It is very, very frustrating.

This is what frustrating looks like right now…

I am the frustrated silk yarn!

I am the frustrated silk yarn!

I know, there are things I can do as a knitter to make my silk feel better.  Put it out where people can admire it, make something I value out of it, pet it and admire how silky it is (being silk and all) but how can I tell my knitter that I need that to.  What if said knitter doesn’t prefer silk, maybe some sport weight acrylic blend?  hmm?  What then?



I used to generate a number between 1 and 10 including the numbers 1 and 10 and and the number1 was chosen.  Trek, I’ll be e-mailing you to get your address.

In news of me…my ankle is healing up nicely, I’m still working on my dog dress that is being traded for a pair of socks (whoohoo!).  I’ve cast on 3 different stoles, ripped them all out and am questioning if I will ever be  able to knit a lace anything again.  I don’t think I’m going to succeed in the Ravelympics (although, admittedly, I did forget to sign up in time).

This weeks knitting

This weeks knitting


All righty people. As promised, a contest for my 100th post. I pondered and thought and waited to find goodies to give some lucky person. I didn’t want to give away yarn, because I don’t want someone to go “oh, I don’t use wool/sock yarn/whatever” So I present these offerings instead. A copy of the most important knitting book in my life “Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair” by Crazy Aunt Purl, the book “Zen and the Art of Knitting” by, a BSJ in 1 year old size, a matching lace edge hat in ladies medium, and whatever little goodies I toss in there to surprise you with.

knitting contest goodies!

knitting contest goodies!

In order to enter, you just have to leave me a comment on the bottom and either link it back to your website or put your e-mail in when it asks for it (that part is for non-wordpress users).  I’ll use the random number generator to pick a number….or strew numbers all over the floor and pick the one darby tries to steal and hide under the bed.

So, why did it take me so long to make this post, dear contest interested knitting friends…. Well, I tend to not pay attention when I walk…and I wear glasses…at the same time. So I was walking down the stairs (dangerous) and texting at the same time (brilliant), missed the bottom stair entirely, landed on my right ankle…all one hundred and (double cough) pounds of me. So, I hobbled upstairs, iced it, and waited till morning when I discovered that walking was a very bad idea. Of course, I don’t want to have to request a sub in the first 2 weeks of school, and I’ve been popular at the er as is (making them get rid of my ulcers y’all. Feeling way better) and so I hobbled to school, tormented students with art education while trying to sit as much as possible, went to my lame art meeting and hobbled home. Now the side of my ankle had swelled up to about the size and shape of half a tennis ball, but purpley-green, and i was more that a little concerned. So I went in to the doc today, tho declared it a sprain. btw, I may have thick ankles (sigh) but I have some nice looking bones.

Today, i was trying to get the heck out and to the doc on time and I hear a kid crying like crazy outside my classroom. I go out there and its one of our teachers kids, he hit his face on the table or chair in her room and was bleeding everywhere! I ran in, tore my classroom apart looking for paper towels which, naturally, couldn’t be found. He was still balling outside, i grab some cottonballs (why i have those and not paper towels, who knows) and give them to him, being verrry careful not to get blood on me, walk him (very slowly) up to the office, through throngs of kids who shriek at the sight of him, and get him up to the office and find his mom. The poor sweetie. Any who, apparently he’s prone to nosebleeds and was clotting already and I ran like mad to find…a locked gate…ran back, borrowed a student to open and close the gate, and booked it to my appointment. Wow, a bonkers day.

………….and now for some adorable Darby pics…because we all need to see cute pics of the Darby dog.



more darby!!

more darby!!

more extra long Darby tongue

more extra long Darby tongue

Darby is adorable........I'm just reminding you.

Darby is adorable........I'm just reminding you.

All righty, comment away! Whoohoo! The contest ends next Wednesday (August 13th, so a week from today).